Friday, February 24, 2017


¨ Bio-Coffee is exactly what it sounds like; foods to promote life, which bio-engineered like no other coffee in the world. Made specifically to alkalize your body and jump start your digestive system. It is literally the healthiest coffee in the world.

¨ Did you know: that for every cup of regular coffee you drink, you need 16-18 cups of water just to neutralize the acidity that is produced from the coffee? Bio-Coffee is a perfect solution to this issue since it is the only alkaline coffee on the market.

¨ Bio-Coffee is 100% Organic and is made from prime washed, organically grown Arabica coffee beans. Its main ingredient is WHEATGRASS! 

¨ Diabetic or Vegan? You can drink this! The fiber in Wheatgrass regulates absorption of sugar and cholesterol from food. This will prevent sudden rise of blood sugar levels, which is commonly experienced by diabetics after a meal. Wheatgrass contains high levels of magnesium. Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.

Made with all-natural and organic ingredients.

Order now on!

The Power of Wheatgrass Wheatgrass Powder 1.     Our  Wheatgrass Powder contains a broad spectrum of vitamins , minerals , amino...