Among the numerous active ingredients found in our Wheatgrass, this enzyme stands out as the MOST IMPORTANT compound. It acts as a "catalyst" in the body. It can be said that "IF THERE IS NO ENZYME, THERE IS NO LIFE". As we age, our body's ability to synthesize enzymes as well as the activity of enzyme DIMINISHES. Supplementing our body with enzymes enhances cellular activity on top of increasing the inherent enzyme reserves in our body. SOD is particularly important among various Wheatgrass enzymes. It can effectively SCAVENGE FREE RADICALS. Once the SOD reserve in the body drops, oxides induce pathological changes in the cells subsequently the cells lost their self-repair ability. SOD not only PREVENTS various affluent syndromes, it SLOWS DOWN the natural aging process! SOD is an essential antioxidant in the cell activation. Besides scavenging free radicals and eliminating toxins, Wheatgrass enzymes break down excessive fat and protein!
Learn more at wheatgrassroots.com